About me

I'm a full professor at the Université Grenoble Alpes.

My research is mainly in the philosophy of memory. In opposition to the causal theory, according to which remembering an event requires an appropriate causal connection with an earlier experience of the remembered event, I have defended a simulation theory, according to which remembering an event does not require such a causal connection and is, instead, simply a matter of imagining it.

Authored book
  1. [link] Michaelian, K. (2016). Mental time travel: Episodic memory and our knowledge of the personal past. MIT Press.
Edited volumes
  1. [link] Openshaw, J., Michaelian, K., & Perrin, D. (Eds). (2024). Reference and remembering [Topical collection]. Synthese.
  2. [link] Gregory, D., & Michaelian, K. (Eds). (2024). Dreaming and memory: Philosophical issues. Springer.
  3. [link] Lin, Y.-T., McCarroll, C., Michaelian, K., & Stuart, M. (Eds.). (2024). Successful and unsuccessful remembering and imagining [Special issue]. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences.
  4. [link] Sant'Anna, A., McCarroll, C. J., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.). (2023). Current controversies in philosophy of memory. Routledge.
  5. [link] McCarroll, C. J., Michaelian, K., & Arango-Muñoz, S. (Eds.). (2021). Memory and perception [Special issue]. Estudios de Filosofía 64.
  6. [link] Sant'Anna, A., Michaelian, K., & Perrin, D. (Eds.). (2020). Memory as mental time travel [Special issue]. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11(2).
  7. [link] Michaelian, K., Debus, D., & Perrin, D. (Eds.). (2018). New directions in the philosophy of memory. Routledge.
  8. [link] Bernecker, S., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.). (2017). The Routledge handbook of philosophy of memory. Routledge.
  9. [link] Michaelian, K., Klein, S. B., & Szpunar, K. K. (Eds.). (2016). Seeing the future: Theoretical perspectives on future-oriented mental time travel. Oxford University Press.
  10. [link] Michaelian, K., & Arango-Muñoz, S. (Eds.). (2014). Epistemic feelings and epistemic emotions [Special section]. Philosophical Inquiries 2(1).
  11. [link] Michaelian, K., & Sutton, J. (Eds.). (2013). Distributed cognition and memory research [Special issue]. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4(1).
Articles and chapters
  1. [PDF] Michaelian, K., Álvarez, J., & Openshaw, J. (Forthcoming.) Is De Brigard a simulationist? Philosophy and the Mind Sciences.
  2. [PDF] [DOI] Andonovski, N., & Michaelian, K. (2024). Naturalism and simulationism in the philosophy of memory. In Hossein Khani, A., Kemp, G., Rezaei, H. S., & Amiriara, H. (Eds.), Naturalism and its challenges (pp. 252-273). Routledge.
  3. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2024). True, authentic, faithful: Accuracy in memory for dreams. In Gregory, D., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.), Dreaming and memory: Philosophical issues (pp. 155-176). Springer.
  4. [PDF] [DOI] Gregory, D., & Michaelian, K. (2024). Dreaming and memory: Editors' introduction. In Gregory, D., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.), Dreaming and memory: Philosophical issues (pp. 1-10). Springer.
  5. [PDF] [DOI] Lin, Y.-T., McCarroll, C., Michaelian, K., & Stuart, M. (2024). Successful and unsuccessful remembering and imagining: Editorial introduction. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences, 5.
  6. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., Sakuragi, S., Openshaw, J., & Perrin, D. (2024). Mental time travel. In Bietti, L., & Pogačar, M. (Eds.), Palgrave encyclopedia of memory studies. Palgrave.
  7. [PDF] Michaelian, K., & Sutton, J. (2024). Memória. (Dutra, F., & Kovalczyk, S. Trans.). In Fraga Dantas, D. (Ed.), Textos selecionados sobre memória e imaginação. Editora UFPel.
  8. [PDF] [DOI] McCarroll, C., Michaelian, K., and Nanay, B. (2024). Explanatory contextualism about episodic memory: Towards a diagnosis of the causalist-simulationist debate. Erkenntnis, 89, 2273-2301.
  9. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2024). Radicalizing simulationism: Remembering as imagining the (nonpersonal) past. Philosophical Psychology, 37(5), 1170-1196.
  10. [PDF] [DOI] Openshaw, J., & Michaelian, K. (2024). Reference in remembering: Towards a simulationist account. Synthese, 203, 90.
  11. [PDF] [DOI] Sant'Anna, A., Michaelian, K., & Andonovski, N. (2024). Autonoesis and episodicity: Perspectives from philosophy of memory. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 15(1), e1665.
  12. [PDF] Schirmer dos Santos, C., Sant'Anna, A., Michaelian, K., Openshaw, J., & Perrin, D. (2023). Debates contemporâneos em filosofia da memória: Uma breve introdução. Lampião - Revista de Filosofia, 4(1), 139-184.
  13. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., & Sakuragi, S. (2023). Shared metamemory and (the feeling of) shared memory. Current Anthropology, 64(6), 723.
  14. [PDF] McCarroll, C., & Michaelian, K. (2023). Deconstructing accuracy in episodic memory. Constructivist Foundations, 19(1), 65-67.
  15. [PDF] [DOI] Andonovski, N., & Michaelian, K. (2023). Accounting for the strangeness, infrequency, and suddenness of déjà vu. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e358.
  16. [PDF] Michaelian, K., & Perrin, D. (2023). La métaphysique de la mémoire collective. In Luciani, I., & Souchay, C. (Eds.), La mémoire à l’épreuve de l’interdisciplinarité. Sciences humaines et cognitives (pp. 27-54). Presses Universitaires de Provence.
  17. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2023). Towards a virtue-theoretic account of confabulation. In Sant'Anna, A., McCarroll, C., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.), Current controversies in philosophy of memory (pp. 127-144). Routledge.
  18. [PDF] [DOI] Sant'Anna, A., McCarroll, C., & Michaelian, K. (2023). Current controversies in philosophy of memory: Editors' introduction. In Sant'Anna, A., McCarroll, C., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.), Current controversies in philosophy of memory (pp. 1-16). Routledge.
  19. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2023). If remembering is imagining, then what is forgetting? In A. Berninger & Í. Vendrell Ferran (Eds.), Philosophical perspectives on memory and imagination (pp. 76-93). Routledge.
  20. [PDF] Michaelian, K. (2022). Against Perrin's embodied causalism: Still no evidence for the necessity of appropriate causation. Intellectica, 76, 175-190.
  21. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., & Sant'Anna, A. (2022). From authenticism to alethism: Against McCarroll on observer memory. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 21, 835-856.
  22. [PDF] [DOI] Cosentino, E., McCarroll, C., & Michaelian, K. (2022). Resisting temptation and overcoming procrastination: The roles of mental time travel and metacognition. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 21, 791-811.
  23. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., Perrin, D., Sant'Anna, A., & Schirmer dos Santos, C. (2022). Mental time travel. In V. P. Glăveanu (Ed.), Palgrave encyclopedia of the possible. Palgrave Macmillan.
  24. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., Dranseika, V., & Álvarez, J. (2021). Experimental philosophy of memory. Acta Scientiarum: Human and Social Sciences, 43, e60875.
  25. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2021). Imagining the past reliably and unreliably: Towards a virtue theory of memory. Synthese, 199, 7477-7507.
  26. [PDF] [DOI] Dranseika, V., McCarroll, C., & Michaelian, K. (2021). Are observer memories (accurate) memories? Insights from experimental philosophy. Consciousness and Cognition, 96, 103240.
  27. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2021). Episodic memory is not immune to error through misidentification: Against Fernández. Synthese, 198, 95252-9543.
  28. [PDF] [DOI] McCarroll, C., Michaelian, K., & Arango-Muñoz, S. (2021). Memory and perception, insights at the interface: Editors' introduction. Estudios de Filosofía, 64, 5-19.
  29. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., & Sant'Anna, A. (2021). Memory without content? Radical enactivism and (post)causal theories of memory. Synthese, 198(Suppl 1), S307-S335.
  30. [PDF] [DOI] Perrin, D., Michaelian, K., & Sant'Anna, A. (2020). The phenomenology of remembering is an epistemic feeling. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1531.
  31. [PDF] [DOI] Sant'Anna, A., Michaelian, K., & Perrin, D. (2020). Editorial: Memory as mental time travel. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 11(2), 223-232.
  32. [PDF] [DOI] Arango-Muñoz, S., & Michaelian, K. (2020). From collective memory ... to collective metamemory? In Fiebich, A. (Ed.), Minimal cooperation and shared agency (pp. 195-217). Springer.
  33. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., Perrin, D., & Sant'Anna, A. (2020). Continuities and discontinuities between imagination and memory: The view from philosophy. In Abraham, A. (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of the imagination (pp. 293-310). Cambridge University Press.
  34. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2020). Confabulating as unreliable imagining: In defence of the simulationist account of unsuccessful remembering. Topoi, 39, 133-148.
  35. [PDF] [DOI] Bernecker, S., & Michaelian, K. (2019). Book review symposium: Editors' response. Memory Studies, 12(6), 746-750.
  36. [PDF] [DOI] Sant'Anna, A., & Michaelian, K. (2019). Teorias sobre o lembrar: Causalismo, simulacionismo e funcionalismo. Voluntas, 10(3), 8-36.
  37. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., & Sutton, J. (2019). Collective mental time travel: Remembering the past and imagining the future together. Synthese, 196, 4933-4960.
  38. [PDF] [DOI] Sant'Anna, A., & Michaelian, K. (2019). Thinking about events: A pragmatist account of the objects of episodic hypothetical thought. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 10, 187-217.
  39. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., & Arango-Muñoz, S. (2018). Collaborative memory knowlege: A distributed reliabilist perspective. In Meade, M., Harris, C. B., van Bergen, P., Sutton, J., & Barnier, A. J. (Eds.), Collaborative remembering: Theories, research, applications (pp. 231-247). Oxford University Press.
  40. [PDF] Michaelian, K., & Robins, S. K. (2018). Beyond the causal theory? Fifty years after Martin and Deutscher. In Michaelian, K., Debus, D., & Perrin, D. (Eds.), New directions in the philosophy of memory (pp. 13-32). Routledge.
  41. [PDF] Michaelian, K., Debus, D., & Perrin, D. (2018). The philosophy of memory today and tomorrow: Editors' introduction. In Michaelian, K., Debus, D., & Perrin, D. (Eds.), New directions in the philosophy of memory (pp. 1-9). Routledge.
  42. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2018). Autonoesis and reconstruction in episodic memory: Is remembering systematically misleading? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41(1), E22.
  43. [link] Michaelian, K. (2018). Naturalistic descriptions of knowledge. In Hetherington, S., & Valaris, M. (Eds.), Philosophy of knowledge: A history (Vol. IV: Knowledge in contemporary philosophy) (pp. 69-88). Bloomsbury.
  44. [PDF] [link] Michaelian, K., & Sutton, J. (2017). Memory. In Zalta, E. N. (Ed.), Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2017/entries/memory/
  45. [PDF] Michaelian, K., & Sutton, J. (2017). Collective memory. In Jankovic, M., & Ludwig, K. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of collective intentionality. (pp. 140-151). Routledge.
  46. [PDF] Perrin, D., & Michaelian, K. (2017). Memory as mental time travel. In Bernecker, S., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of philosophy of memory. (pp. 228-239). Routledge.
  47. [PDF] Bernecker, S., & Michaelian, K. (2017). The philosophy of memory today: Editors' introduction. In Bernecker, S., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of philosophy of memory. (pp. 1-3). Routledge.
  48. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2016). Confabulating, misremembering, relearning: The simulation theory of memory and unsuccessful remembering. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1857.
  49. [PDF] [DOI] Davies, J., & Michaelian, K. (2016). Identifying and individuating cognitive systems: A task-based distributed cognition alternative to agent-based extended cognition. Cognitive Processing, 17, 307-319.
  50. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2016). Against discontinuism: Mental time travel and our knowledge of past and future events. In Michaelian, K., Klein, S. B., & Szpunar, K. K. (Eds.), Seeing the future: Theoretical perspectives on future-oriented mental time travel (pp. 62-92). Oxford University Press.
  51. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., Klein, S. B., & Szpunar, K. K. (2016). The past, the present, and the future of future-oriented mental time travel. In Michaelian, K., Klein, S. B., & Szpunar, K. K. (Eds.), Seeing the future: Theoretical perspectives on future-oriented mental time travel (pp. 1-18). Oxford University Press.
  52. [link] Michaelian, K. (2016). Memory. In McLaughlin, B. (Ed.), Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks: Philosophy: Mind (pp. 227-243). Macmillan Reference.
  53. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2015). Opening the doors of memory: Is declarative memory a natural kind? Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 6, 475-482.
  54. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2014). JFGI: From distributed cognition to distributed reliabilism. Philosophical Issues, 24 314-346.
  55. [link] Michaelian, K. (2014). La mémoire comme source de connaissances. In Chevalier, J.-M., & Gaultier, B. (Eds.), Connaître. Questions d’épistémologie contemporaine (pp. 119-148). Editions d'Ithaque.
  56. [PDF] [DOI] Arango-Muñoz, S., & Michaelian, K. (2014). Epistemic feelings, epistemic emotions: Review and introduction to the focus section. Philosophical Inquiries, 2(1), 97-122.
  57. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2013). The evolution of testimony: Receiver vigilance, speaker honesty, and the reliability of communication. Episteme, 10(1), 37-59.
  58. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2013). The information effect: Constructive memory, testimony, and epistemic luck. Synthese, 190, 2429–2456.
  59. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K., & Sutton, J. (2013). Distributed cognition and memory research: History and current directions. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 4, 1-24.
  60. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2012). Metacognition and endorsement. Mind & Language, 27(3), 284-307.
  61. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2012). Is external memory memory? Biological memory and extended mind. Consciousness and Cognition, 21, 1154-1165.
  62. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2012). (Social) metacognition and (self-)trust. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 3, 481-514.
  63. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2011). The epistemology of forgetting. Erkenntnis, 74, 399-424.
  64. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2011). Generative memory. Philosophical Psychology, 24(3), 323-342.
  65. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2011). Is memory a natural kind? Memory Studies, 4(2), 170-189.
  66. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2010). In defence of gullibility: The epistemology of testimony and the psychology of deception detection. Synthese, 176, 399-427.
  67. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2010). Reliabilism and privileged access. Journal of Philosophical Research, 34, 69-109.
  68. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2008). Testimony as a natural kind. Episteme, 5(2), 180-202.
Reviews and review essays
  1. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2024). [Review of the book Memory and remembering, by F. De Brigard]. Balkan Journal of Philosophy, 16(2), 195-196.
  2. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2020). [Review of the book Remembering from the outside: Personal memory and the perspectival mind, by C. J. McCarroll]. Argumenta, 5(2), 283-286.
  3. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2019). [Review of the book Memory and technology: How we use information in the brain and the world, by J. R. Finley, F. Naaz, & F. W. Goh]. Memory Studies, 12(3), 349-352.
  4. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2018). [Review of the book Experiencing time, by S. Prosser]. Philosophical Quarterly, 68(272), 642-644.
  5. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2018). [Review of the book Memory and the self: Phenomenology, science and autobiography, by M. Rowlands]. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 177.
  6. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2018). [Episodic and semantic memory and imagination: The need for definitions. Review essay on the book Thinking about human memory, by M. S. Humphreys & K. A. Chalmers]. American Journal of Psychology, 131(1), 99-103.
  7. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2016). [Review of the book Memory: A history, by D. Nikulin]. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 2047.
  8. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2016). [Review of the book Beyond the archive: Memory, narrative, and the autobiographical process, by J. Brockmeier]. Memory Studies, 9(3), 363-365.
  9. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2016). [Review of the book A critical introduction to testimony, by A. Gelfert]. Philosophical Quarterly, 67(266), 198-200.
  10. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2015). [Review of the book The two selves: Their metaphysical commitments and functional independence, by S. B. Klein]. Minds and Machines, 25(1), 119-122.
  11. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2015). [Review of the book The philosophy of metacognition: Mental agency and self-awareness, by J. Proust]. Analysis, 75(2), 349-351.
  12. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2014). [Review essay on the book Individual and collective memory consolidation: Analogous processes on different levels, by T. J. Anastasio, K. A. Ehrenberger, P. Watson, & W. Jiang]. Memory Studies, 7(2), 254-264.
  13. [PDF] [DOI] Michaelian, K. (2010). [Review of the book The metaphysics of memory, by S. Bernecker]. European Journal of Philosophy, 18(4), 623-626.


Meetings (recent)
  • 2024, December 7-8. Shanghai-Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop 2: Memory and Cognition [Workshop]. Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Organizers: Lai, C., Michaelian, K., Teng, L., Yang, Q., Yu, F.
  • 2024, November 29. Concepts et taxinomies de la mémoire : de la philosophie à l'ingénierie des connaissances [Workshop]. Nancy. Organizers: Arnould, F., Aimé, X., Michaelian, K., Terrier, P., Trojahn, C.
  • 2024, September 25-26. Santa Maria-Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop 2 [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Zaccaro, G., Michaelian, K., Schirmer dos Santos, C., Camillo, J., Boumaza, D., Langkau, N.
  • 2024, July 2-5. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology [Conference]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Local organizers: Michaelian, K., Perrin, D., Faivre, N. Programme committee: Alsmith, A., Cummins, C., Grosse Wiessmann, C.
  • 2024, March 15-17. Eurasian Memory Meeting [Workshop]. National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Organizers: Lin, Y.-T., McCarroll, C., Michaelian, K., Sakuragi, S., Sant'Anna, A., Chan, L.-C., Cheng, T.
  • 2023, November 21-22. Remembering: Analytic and Bergsonian Perspectives 3 [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Michaelian, K., Boumaza, D., Hirai, Y., Fujita, H., Langkau, N.
  • 2023, July 21-22. Causation in Memory [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Andonovski, N., Michaelian, K., Álvarez, J., & Camillo, J. C.
  • 2023, July 7-8. Simulationism 2023 [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Michaelian, K., Andonovski, N., & Openshaw, J.
  • 2023, June 30-July 1. Philosophie analytique de l'esprit : colloque jeunes chercheurs de la SoPhA/Analytic Philosophy of Mind: SoPhA Early-Career Researchers Conference [Conference]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Michaelian, K., Álvarez, J.
  • 2023, June 9-10. Memory and Mind 2: A Sofia-Grenoble Workshop [Workshop]. Sofia. Organizers: Bakalova, M., Andonovski, N., & Michaelian, K.
  • 2023, April 28. Memory and Mental Files [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Openshaw, J., Murez, M., & Michaelian, K.
  • 2022, November 14, 15, 18. Successful and Unsuccessful Remembering and Imagining [Workshop]. National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University/Université Grenoble Alpes (online). Organizers: Lin, Y.-T., McCarroll, C., Stuart, M., & Michaelian, K.
  • 2022, October 2. Remembering: Analytic and Bergsonian Perspectives 2 [Workshop]. Fukuoka University. Organizers: Hirai, Y., Michaelian, K., & Sakuragi, S.
  • 2022, July 15-16. Simulationism 2022 [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Michaelian, K., Álvarez, J., & Crozatier, N.
  • 2022, June 30-July 2. Reference in Remembering [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Openshaw, J., Perrin, D., Michaelian, K.
  • 2022, June 9-10. Grenoble-Bochum Memory Workshop [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Michaelian, K., Werning, M., Openshaw, J.
  • 2022, March 14-16. Dreaming and Memory 2 [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes/Universität Tübingen (online). Organizers: Gregory, D., & Michaelian, K.
  • 2021, December 2-3. Memory: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches [School]. Université Grenoble Alpes. Organizers: Michaelian, K., Perrin, D., Römer, I., Schnell, A., & Sant'Anna, A.
  • 2021, September 16-17. Memory and Mind: A Grenoble-Sofia Workshop [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes/Bulgarian Academy of Sciences/Sun Yat-sen University (online). Organizers: Andonovski, N., Bakalova, M., Ivanov, I., & Michaelian, K.
  • 2021, April 6, 21. Memory and Self [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes/Ruhr-Universität Bochum (online). Organizers: Newen, A., & Michaelian, K.
  • 2021, February 22-23. Dreaming and Memory [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes/Universität Tübingen (online). Organizers: Gregory, D., & Michaelian, K.
  • 2021, February 3-4. Memory and Perception: Starting the Conversation [Workshop]. Université Grenoble Alpes (online). Organizers: Sant'Anna, A., & Michaelian, K.
  • 2020, October 26-31. Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory [Conference]. Université Grenoble Alpes/Washington University in Saint Louis (online). Organizers: McCarroll, C., Michaelian, K., & Sant'Anna, A.


Talks (selected recent)
  • Michaelian, K. (2024, December). Causalism(s) and mnemic reference [Invited seminar talk.] East China Normal University.
  • Michaelian, K., Álvarez, J., & Openshaw, J. (2024, December). Is De Brigard a simulationist? [Invited seminar talk.] Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  • Michaelian, K. (2024, November). Causalism(s) and mnemic reference [Invited workshop talk]. Memory and Language: The Semantics of Remembering (Ruhr-Universität Bochum).
  • Michaelian, K., Álvarez, J., & Openshaw, J. (2024, June). Is De Brigard a simulationist? [Invited conference talk]. Issues in Philosophy of Memory 4 (Université de Genève).
  • Michaelian, K. (2023, November). Radical generationism revisited [Invited seminar talk]. Brazilian Society for Analytic Philosophy (online).
  • Michaelian, K., & Perrin, D. (2023, August). Mnemic reference: Mapping and evaluating causalist and simulationist accounts [Refereed conference talk]. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Prague.
  • Michaelian, K. (2022, November). Problems for the simulation theory of memory [Invited seminar talk]. Philosophy department seminar, University of Miami (online).
  • Michaelian, K. (2022, September). Radical aretaic simulationism [Invited seminar talk]. Philosophy of Memory Seminar, Shibaura Institute of Technology.
  • Michaelian, K. (2022, September). The simulation theory of memory [Invited seminar talk]. Philosophy of Memory Seminar, Shibaura Institute of Technology.
  • Michaelian, K. (2022, September). Against Perrin’s embodied causalism: Still no evidence for the necessity of appropriate causation [Keynote workshop talk]. Memory and Imagination: Varieties of (Dis)continuism (Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie 11 satellite workshop), Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
  • Michaelian, K. (2022, March). Against Perrin’s embodied causalism: Still no evidence for the necessity of appropriate causation [Invited conference talk]. Naturalism and Its Challenges, Iranian Institute of Philosophy (online).
  • Michaelian, K. (2021, November). Radicalizing simulationism: Remembering as imagining the (nonpersonal) past [Invited seminar talk]. Thumos seminar, Université de Genève.
  • Michaelian, K. (2021, September). Radicalizing simulationism: Remembering as imagining the (nonpersonal) past [Invited seminar talk]. Language, Epistemology, Metaphysics, and Mind Research Interest Group seminar, University of Toronto.
  • Michaelian, K. (2021, September). Against Perrin’s embodied causalism: Still no evidence for appropriate causation [Refereed conference talk]. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology 2021, Universität Leipzig (online).
  • Michaelian, K. (2021, March). True, authentic, faithful: Accuracy in memory for dreams [Invited seminar talk]. VICTR (Virtual International Consortium for Truth Research) seminar (online).
  • Michaelian, K. (2021, February). From authenticism to alethism: Against McCarroll on observer memory [Invited seminar talk]. CamPoS (Cambridge Philosophy of Science) seminar, University of Cambridge (online).
  • Michaelian, K. (2021, February). From authenticism to alethism: Against McCarroll on observer memory [Refereed workshop talk]. Generative Episodic Memory 2021: Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Neuroscience, Psychology, and Philosophy, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (online).
  • Michaelian, K. (2020, December). From authenticism to alethism: Against McCarroll on observer memory [Invited workshop talk]. Bay Area Philosophy of Memory 2020, San Francisco State University (online).
  • Michaelian, K. (2020, April). Truth and authenticity in observer perspective memory [Invited conference talk]. 8th International Conference of Cognitive Science, Tehran (online).
  • Michaelian, K. (2020, January). Memory as an achievement [Invited workshop talk]. Memory, Imagination, and the Self, Universität Stuttgart.


Funding (current and recent)

I recently obtained funding for SCARR (Simulationist and Causalist Accounts of Reference in Remembering) from the Agence nationale de la recherche. The two-year project started in fall 2024 with a team consisting of myself as PI, my close collaborator Denis Perrin, and Jakub Rudnicki as postdoc.

I'm a senior member of the Institut universitaire de France from 2021 to 2026. Membership in the IUF comes with research funding and a release from two thirds of one's teaching.

I recently obtained a grant from the UGA's International Research Booster programme for an eighteen-month project on generationist epistemologies of episodic memory involving partners in Estonia, Japan, Poland, and Taiwan. I'm currently the French coordinator on a project on memory and imagination funded by the Franco-Brazilian CAPES-COFECUB programme and running from 2020 to 2024. I'm also a team member on a project on mental time travel and emotion funded by the Franco-Taiwanese ORCHID programme and running from 2023 to 2024. And I'm a team member on a project on mental time travel in humans and nonhuman animals funded by the Australian Research Council that will run from 2025 to 2027.

From 2018 to 2022, I held an "IDEX environment" from the Initiative d'excellence (IDEX) Université Grenoble Alpes. Among other items, this funded two postdoc salaries.

I've also been funded for a number of extended research visits. Most recently, I was awarded an Invitational Fellowship for Research in Japan from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for research at Shibaura Institute of Technology and Fukuoka University and was a Mercator fellow on the DFG research unit FOR 2812 (Constructing Scenarios of the Past) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.


Supervision (current and recent)

If you're interested in doing a postdoc or a PhD under my supervision, please get in touch. Be aware, however, that PhD funding is exceptionally difficult to obtain in France and that there is no national-level funding programme for postdocs.


Since September 2024, I have supervised Jakub Rudnicki, postdoc on SCARR (see above). I also host Jelena Markovic, who splits her time during her postdoc at the Maison de la création et de l'innovation between the MaCI and the CPM.

I currently supervise one postdoc funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship from the European Commission: Nikola Andonovski, whose project, MEMOCAUSE, is on causation in episodic memory. I also recently supervised James Openshaw's Marie Skłodowska-Curie-funded project, MEMOBJECT, on objectual memory. Dr. Openshaw is currently assistant professor at Nanyang Technological University.

I supervised Chris McCarroll (currently assistant professor at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University) and André Sant'Anna (currently an Ambizione Fellow at the Université de Genève, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation) as postdocs, both funded by the IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes.

PhD students

I currently supervise Juan F. Álvarez' PhD, funded by the École doctorale 487 (Philosophie, histoire, création, représentation), on the compatibility of the extended mind hypothesis with various theories of remembering; this is a cotutelle between the UGA and the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, with Markus Werning as cosupervisor. I also supervise Nicolas Crozatier's PhD on human-artificial intelligence interactions through augmented reality memory aids; this is a cotutelle between the UGA and Macquarie University, with Neil Levy as cosupervisor.

I recently supervised Vilius Dranseika's PhD on memory and personal identity. Dr. Dranseika is currently researcher at the Jagiellonian University.


Service (current selected)

At the UGA, I direct the Centre for Philosophy of Memory (CPM) within the Institut de philosophie de Grenoble (IPhiG). In addition to my activities as director of the CPM, which include organizing various conferences, workshops, and seminars, hosting visiting researchers and students, and maintaining PhilMemBib (a comprehensive philosophy of memory database), I'm currently a vice-president of the Société de philosophie analytique (SoPhA) and have served as a member of the steering committee of the Philosophy of Memory Organization (PhOMO). I coedit OUP's Philosophy of Memory and Imagination book series, serve as an executive editor of the Review of Philosophy and Psychology, and am a member of the editorial boards of journals including Memory Studies and Memory, Mind & Media.


Teaching (current)

I teach at the undergraduate (licence) and master's levels in the philosophy department at the UGA. Note that we offer a philosophy of cognition stream at the master's level.

I also regularly teach in the cognitive science master's at Grenoble INP.


Postal address:

Laboratoire IPhiG
Université Grenoble Alpes, bâtiment ARSH
CS 40700
38058 Grenoble CEDEX 9 FRANCE

Physical address:

Centre de philosophie de la mémoire
Université Grenoble Alpes, bâtiment CTL
7, allée de Palestine
38610 Gières
